How am I? Just peachy thank you

Have you ever noticed if the colors of your clothes reflect your mood? Recently I have discovered that for me, this is actually the case much of the time, to my surprise.

Ever since purchasing a wonderful pale rose exercise top a few months ago, I have become absolutely entranced by this gentle quiet hue. So much so that I now have a tiny section in my closet that is dedicated to this soft, subtle peach tone.

Whole Living: Just Peachy

I find myself wearing these garments often lately because they make me feel calm and put me at ease, although I will also admit that I might just have a slight color obsession. 😉 Optimally, I picture myself in this soft spoken blush pigment as I am taking a nap in a hammock with the breeze blowing just enough to rock me back and forth, or cuddling up with a good book on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

The peculiar thing is that while I am dressed in this color, it seems to pop up throughout my day such as in my morning breakfast smoothie, the water bottle I choose for the day etc. Therefore I wanted to dedicate this post to feeling pretty in pink and just peachy literally and figuratively 😉

Whole Living: Just Peachy

I hope this smoothie recipe leaves you feeling just as peachy as me! Shout out to my yoga instructor Shelly for convincing me to go with my instinct and get that first wonderful top from Mission Yoga!

Peachy Breakfast Smoothie

Peachy Keen Breakfast Smoothie

Serves 1

  • 2/3 cup almond milk (homemade or store bought)
  • 1 fresh peach
  • 1/2 cup raspberries
  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • pinch of cinnamon to taste

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