Breakfast Series: Morning Muesli

Breakfast became my favorite meal early on in my lifetime. Maybe it was the countless Saturday mornings spent eating giant pancakes and playing with the coffee creamers at Alex’s with my dad and siblings; and just maybe, although I have to admit this is kind of sad looking back considering how vegetarian I am now, early morning Hardees egg, bacon and cheese biscuit runs before school were even included in my diet back then 😉 I also have a feeling that the famous buttery, crispy popovers that were almost always apart of our spend the night weekends at my grandparents house have something to do with my breakfast obsession.


What can I say, theres just something wonderful about waking up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and breakfast cooking in the morning. So in honor of the new breakfast series I will be doing on this blog, I wanted to make something a little different from the usual breakfast dish. I decided to go with muesli after discovering this recipe in Sarah Copeland’s Newlywed Cookbook that I had purchased as a wedding gift for my friend.


I am familiar with muesli as I had eaten it on many occasions while I was studying abroad in Italy. It certainly kept me energized for all the walking we were doing, and I found that I felt fuller longer after eating it for breakfast. After making muesli from scratch I realized that it’s a lot like granola but with less work . You can pretty much use what grains you like whether that be rolled oats, barley, you name it and then same goes for the nuts and seeds. After that you just add in the rest of the toppings when you are ready to serve it.


The best part about this recipe is that it makes a lot, so you can make a big batch over the weekend and have it throughout the week.



So without further a due, here is the recipe! Remember that you can use the recipe as a guideline as well so by all means include what you like!


(recipe adapted from Sarah Copeland’s Newlywed Cookbook)

makes about 4 cups

  • 3 cups rolled oats (or any other grains you might like)
  • 1.5 cups of nuts (walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, etc.)
  • 3/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 3/4 tablespoon EVOO
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • cinnamon to taste

Suggestions for toppings to serve with:

  • raisins
  • banana slices
  • berries
  • chopped apple
  • honey or agave nector
  • any kind of milk (regular, almond, coconut, etc.)
  • greek yogurt

Set oven to 350 degrees

Combine oats, nuts, seeds, EVOO, salt, and cinnamon in a large bowl. Then pour and spread evenly out over a baking sheet aligned with parchment paper. Bake until the mixture is slightly golden on the edges for approximately 15 minutes.

Fill a bowl with 2/3 cup of muesli and top with various dried fruits and fresh fruits such as raisins, banana slices etc. Pour desired amount of milk or add in yogurt to complete your morning muesli.

Remember to always start your day off with a good breakfast!

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